Monday, 8 March 2010

Young love

Today we had the pleasure of having an adorable little girl from my son’s pre school class over to play. Three and a half hours flew by without hitch and she left my son and daughter totally exhausted and me feeling fine – my ideal house guest!

Her favourite game was to pretend that I was poorly and I had to lie on the sofa (good so far) and I wasn’t allowed to move (even better) whilst she told my obedient off spring to fetch me (pretend) drinks, cuddle me and give me lots of injections. She ate happily, played happily and brought out the best side of my son. He looked at her with puppy dog eyes, following her every command even though she is too young to realise the full advantage of her power. She looked like she had stepped out of a picture book, all long plaits, pink dress and rosy cheeks yet she got stuck in with his bob the builder games, ran around at speed and initiated a game in which they built an excellent den.

My son asked her why she doesn’t play with him all the time at school to which she replied simply that she plays with the girls at school but he could be her boyfriend outside of school. They are four.

My daughter took a few minutes to get used to having a female friend of her brother in the home as they have all been male to date apart from old friends who she has known forever. She soon recognised the benefit of having a fellow female to squeal with and demonstrated this seal of approval by bestowing upon her a pair of beloved pink, sparkling fairy wings.

I am very proud of my son for befriending such a sweet natured, charming and polite little girl and I do hope his taste in women remains so exactly to my taste also. To have the approval of the family instantly is quite remarkable. Long may it continue!

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Looking to the future

My son has been thinking a lot about the future. He has often suggested that we get married and is quite sure that we’ll be together forever. He has also been making some interesting observations and suggestions in regards to the family.

‘Mummy, when I grow up, I’m going to be a doctor. And so will you so you can still be with me all of the day, every day’ He soon added his Papa and sister too as ‘we should all be together all of the time. For work and then lunch and then all come home together’

‘I’m also going to be a fireman. With my sister next to me in the baby seat’

He has been considering who will look after his sister’s babies when she grows up and ‘has real babies – what will happen to her baby? Who will push her around the house in the buggy?’

He is at the age where his Daddy is a giant in his mind. 'As big as Papa?’ being the ultimate in huge. He is determined to be that big and displays his enthusiasm as he finishes every last mouthful. ‘Can you see my legs growing?'

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Birthday Boy

My little boy turned 4 today. He took it all in remarkably calmly and just seemed to cruise through and enjoy the day.

He woke up and happily opened presents before getting ready for pre school where he wore the ‘birthday badge’, got sung to and gave out treats at the end. Then he came home to the house I had prepared for his party and waited for his little group of friends to arrive. They played, ate, played and ate some more and then left, rosy cheeked and goodie bags* in hand. My son crashed out with his little sister and watched his birthday film ‘UP’, just popping into the playroom every so often to check out his new toys. He got ready for bed and jumped in easily to listen to lots of new birthday book stories. Falling asleep with a gentle smile still playing on his mouth, his mummy staring at him with a nostaligic and proud mummy tear falling unashamedly.

Thank you for the most wonderful and the most perfect four years of my life so far, my little superhero xxxxx

*Goodie bags from and highly recommended by MummyCoach!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Everything comes in threes

So, Part Three. 1. Tonsillitis 2. Swine flu 3. See below

I had my appendix out on Friday night. I knew there was something wrong but it took a while to figure out what it was. I’ve always known that I have a high pain threshold and, on this occasion, it worked to my disadvantage. After two visits to the GP, it had been put down to gastro something and then a kidney infection. Luckily, I had been told that if the super strength antibiotics didn’t work then I was to return and when I did, the tests showed that I was getting worse and not better. A few more tests and I was straight to hospital and operated on that night.

10 things that I have learnt

1) A good friend at a time in need turns her from a valued friend into a guardian angel

2) Managing to see your husband, albeit briefly, just before heading to theatre makes it all OK

3) Timing is essential. On the weekend. That mum was due to visit. Good planning Mrs. Appendix

4) Home and kids and husband are all the best medicines (without doing the hard work of course!)

5) If it hurts, there is probably something wrong and you should keep trying to fix it until it doesn’t hurt anymore

6) It is perfectly acceptable to attempt a quick clean of the house before heading to hospital if you have a minute as it makes drifting off into oblivion so much easier

7) Hospital food lives up to the reputation it has so rightfully been given

8) You have to ask the questions if you want to get the answers

9) Losing a few hours of your life and waking up to your body complete with marks, scars and things attached to you that you have no memory of receiving is very disconcerting

10) Drugs do work

p.s Allegedly when I was coming round in the recovery room, I could hear some of the team talking about a doctor who had been naughty. I was very insistent to pass on my wisdom to them in all things disciplinary and suggested they put him on the simmer down chair until he can say sorry.
